This is me.  Because our work together will likely keep us out of court, you probably won’t see me in formal attire again.

My office is located at 19 Court Street, on the 2nd floor, in downtown Montpelier.

About me

I am a Vermont attorney and mediator. My law and mediation practice is devoted solely to helping people resolve their family law issues—such as divorce and post-divorce custody issues—outside of court. Whether as an attorney or mediator, I help people reach quality, lasting agreements with dignity and privacy—and without the often unnecessary misery, time, uncertainty, and expense of court. I do this work because I believe in it.

I graduated magna cum laude (“with great honor”) from Vermont Law School, which I attended on a full merit scholarship. I had the privilege of wonderful internships with Judge Hoar and Judge Teachout in Vermont Superior Court and Justice Eaton at the Vermont Supreme Court. Although I think the court process is best avoided in many situations, I have great respect for the courts and their personnel.

I am a divorced father of two great kids. Going through the court process firsthand gave me an education and perspective that is difficult to get as a law student or divorce professional. If you come to my office, you will see some of my daughter’s artwork. If you enjoy long, difficult hikes that some (most) people would describe as a bit miserable, you might see me and my son out there too.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my kids and my mom. I like long hikes and long swims. In theory, I like basketball and ultimate frisbee, but my knees often disagree. I also like reading, particularly audiobooks, particularly while hiking. I’m trying to cut down on my consumption of news and calories, with little success.